Free NLP from Birmingham NLP Trainer

Free NLP from Birmingham NLP Trainer

Hi I’m Debbie Williams

I’m an NLP Trainer who has assisted Dr Richard Bandler (the co-founder of NLP) on over 50 of his seven to nine day NLP practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner courses as well as being a trainer for him on his NLP Trainer Trainer courses.

I have been given clients to work with by Dr Bandler as well as from the hypnotist Paul McKenna for over 17 years now, working with all range of issues including life coaching, business coaching and even working with Olympic athletes.

Free NLP Recording

You can get a free NLP recording titled ‘Stop worrying and create a wonderful life ‘

If you want a further explanation of what is on this recording read on here;

Even more free NLP from Birmingham NLP trainer on my media site. There are numerous NLP based videos for free, covering all sorts of topics;

Free NLP from Birmingham ; What’s NLP?

There are many ways to explain NLP and here is one;

Neuro linguistic programming or NLP for short. The ‘neuro’ part relates to our neurology, to the ways in which we process information from our five senses.

‘Linguistic’ relates to the use of language systems, not just words, but gestures and postures. How we code and attribute meanings to our internal representations, or re-presentations, of the world, and how we communicate internally and externally.

Programming’ comes from computer science and information technology and in the sense in the same way in which computing data is stored, coded and transformed is similar to how our brain works. With NLP we can delete, upgrade or install new mental software in our mind to change how we think and how we act.

Another explanation of NLP is on my other blog post here

Free NLP from Birmingham I need some help

Debbie Williams as well as being an NLP Master practitioner and trainer is a fully qualified hypnotherapist, who practices from her offices in Birmingham B75 West Midlands.

If you would like a one to one session of NLP with Debbie you can contact her here:

NLP trainer Debbie is more expensive than your average NLP practitioner and coach. She has worked and studied relentlessly over the years honing her skills to be one of the best in her field.

This is what Paul McKenna’s says about Birmingham NLP Trainer Debbie Williams;

”Debbie is a skilled and effective NLP trainer and hypnotherapist with an amazing sense of humour and great compassion”  Paul McKenna

Debbie has taken time out to record over 30 self help NLP  hypnotherapy products which you can work on your issue at home for a fraction of the cost of visiting her hypnotherapy practice in Birmingham



Trained in NLP with many trainers including Dr Richard Bander's to become an assistant for Paul McKenna and Dr Richard Bandler on over 50 courses also helping Anthony Robbins for ten years until 2003 Most of my clients come directly from Paul McKenna and some from Dr Bandler as well as the Just Be Well clinic No 1 Harley Street London.
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