Phantom Limb Pain, Help It Stop
Phantom limb pain, help it stop is a video that Birmingham based hypnotherapist and NLP trainer Debbie Williams has wanted to record now for a long time.
Phantom Limb Pain Can Be Reduced
Phantom limb pain can be reduced when you have a strategy in how to ‘process’ what your mind is doing. Giving it a new template, or metaphor to follow can help to reduce the phantom limb pain dramatically.
Phantom Limb Pain a Personal Experience
Phantom limb pain is something that Birmingham hypnotherapist Debbie Williams has had personal experience with. Her first husband whom she married at 18 after a 5 year courtship had to have his leg amputated after an accident at work.
The advice Debbie gave him when he had to sign consent forms going into the operating theatre to have his leg amputated was that at least the pain will go when the leg is removed. How wrong that was!
Phantom limb Pain; Real Pain Not Imagined
Even though the limb is removed ‘the phantom limb’ can still give very real pain to the sufferer. And although the marriage ended Debbie has never forgotten the courage shown by her husband and how he dealt with his phantom limb pain.
The cold would make the phantom limb pain worse, yet despite this her husband learned to drive a ‘gear stick ‘ car rather than automatic. Debbie wished she could of helped him more but didn’t know how back then.
Phantom Limb Pain, Army Hospital Ward at Selly Oak
Debbie Williams lived in Selly Oak for some time after moving to Birmingham. It is the home of Selly Oak Hospital where many soldiers returning from active service, injured with loss of limbs and other injuries are treated.
Phantom Limb Pain Free Hypnosis Recording
Debbie has a free hypnosis recording called ‘Spontaneous remission from any disease in mind and body’ which doesn’t claim anything whatsoever and is in no way a replacement for medical advice.
It simply helps you to relax ( which will reduce tension and intensity of pain) and may serve as a distraction from your phantom limb pain. It will help with reducing stress.
It has suggestions of ‘If a miracle was to occur, how would you know?’ This could be used in trance for the sufferer of phantom limb pain to daydream of what it would feel like to have comfortable feelings in the body instead of phantom limb pain.
Watch the video also above for more simple tips to overcome the phantom limb pain. We’ve heard the phrase ‘mind over matter’ There are NLP based techniques that Birmingham NLP trainer and hypnotherapist Debbie Williams shares with you.
Please pass this information on to anyone who is suffering from phantom limb pain. Here is the link again for the free recording;