I Drink Wine Every Night Help…

Drinking A Bottle Or More Of Wine?

Many clients contact Birmingham addictions expert Debbie Williams as they can’t seem to stop drinking wine most nights.

“I drink wine every night, help”

They have formed a habit and are finding it difficult to break. They have trained themselves to get relaxation, or switching of from the end of the day with a glass of wine, which often leads to the whole bottle.

Once I start drinking wine, I can’t stop

The first glass becomes a trigger to the brain it’s time to switch of and chillax… The trouble is, there is no plan once you get that good feeling from wine to stop drinking any more.

Alcohol switches of the internal dialogue which may suggest “You’ve had enough now” so you carry on drinking until it’s all gone.

My video here on how to stop drinking wine may give you some ideas to help you.

Make a plan to change your drinking habits

When I work with clients who feel they have a problem with alcohol and drink wine every night (or most nights) we come up with a plan and some rules. This week it’s Tuesday and Thursday plus the weekend but your goal is to have only 2 largish glasses and then hydrate with mineral water or another soft drink.

Plan; Week 2

Week 2 it’s Wednesday  and the weekend, (all aiming to have 2 glasses max. Allowing one slip up of an extra glass) Charting it as the goal is to notice that this can actually take you to the merry place, the rest is just waste. ( Or depression as my one client labelled it.)

Is drinking wine making you depressed ?

She came to me with depression but within a week of her practicing this strategy, she said she didn’t feel depressed. She woke up in the morning and felt energised and alive rather than hung over and groggy. It really helped her to break the pattern of having a drink of wine every night.

Week 3

Aim to go all week and make it a rule that you don’t drink weekdays. Again 2-3 glasses max at the weekend. Keep going until you succeed. We have truth in this plan. Once you become awake to the fact that it is the first or second glass that gives you the good feeling. It will help break the spell wine had over you.

What do I do instead ?

Drinking wine, served a purpose to you, so you need to put something in place of this to give you some of the benefits that alcohol gave you. Luckily good hypnosis can do just that. It can switch things of for you at the end of the day.

Hypnosis for relaxation and problem solving

It can help you relax and chill. Not only that, good hypnosis can get your brain on solution focus mode. They more you listen to trance the more motivated you will become to sorting things out in your life for the better. Pulling yourself out of the rut that alcohol had become for you.
Find out more for treatment for binge drinking  as well as watching a video testimonial, hearing what changed, not only for her, but for family members too.

Self help to stop drinking wine

Debbie Williams has a self help hypnosis download called stop binge drinking which has exercises to help you to overcome your old binge drinking pattern. Click the link to download your copy now for only £19.

If you want one to one help to stop drinking wine you can book a double breakthrough session at the Birmingham clinic  here. 


About info@debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk

Trained in NLP with many trainers including Dr Richard Bander's to become an assistant for Paul McKenna and Dr Richard Bandler on over 50 courses also helping Anthony Robbins for ten years until 2003 Most of my clients come directly from Paul McKenna and some from Dr Bandler as well as the Just Be Well clinic No 1 Harley Street London.
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