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Trained in NLP with many trainers including Dr Richard Bander's to become an assistant for Paul McKenna and Dr Richard Bandler on over 50 courses also helping Anthony Robbins for ten years until 2003 Most of my clients come directly from Paul McKenna and some from Dr Bandler as well as the Just Be Well clinic No 1 Harley Street London.

Birmingham Cocaine Testimonials

Birmingham Cocaine Treatment Testimonials 15 years of taking coke, I wanted to stop but each weekend I did it again. I couldn’t face sitting in a room with down and outs, surely I can’t be that bad. I stopped with … Continue reading

Posted in Birmingham Life Coach, Birmingham NLP, Cocaine Information, Cocaine treatment not rehab Birmingham Midlands, Is cocaine addictive | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Going Into Hypnosis – How Does It Feel ?

How Should I feel going Into Trance? Going into a trance is something you have done many times already in your life. At school did you ever stare out of the window for what seemed like a long time but … Continue reading

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What Causes Cocaine Addiction?

What Causes A Cocaine Addiction? Is it because there are chemical hooks within the cocaine that get us? I think there is a lot more to it than that. The belief about chemical hooks may have originated from experiments done … Continue reading

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What Is Your Cocaine Cut With ?

What is your cocaine cut with? Do you ever stop to think what has your trustworthy cocaine dealer added to your coke before you put it up your nose? Does he really care about you and your health. Do you … Continue reading

Posted in Addictions, Birmingham Hypnotherapy, Birmingham NLP, Cocaine treatment not rehab Birmingham Midlands, Sutton Coldfield Hypnotherapist | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

NLP & Hypnosis For Golf

The Mental Game Of Golf It’s been said that the mind has as much impact on the game of golf as does actual technique. Birmingham based NLP Hypnotherapist Debbie Williams thinks it has more impact than any technique . She … Continue reading

Posted in Birmingham Hypnotherapy, Birmingham Life Coach, Birmingham NLP, Golf NLP & Hypnosis, Hypnosis and NLP Explained, Sutton Coldfield Hypnotherapist | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cocaine Help Birmingham Clinic

Cocaine Help Birmingham Clinic Help to come of cocaine is available at the Birmingham Cocaine Addictions Clinic. It is a private clinic which gets permenant results fast. Prices For Cocaine Help Prices start from as little as £19 for a … Continue reading

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Sutton Coldfield Hypnotherapist

Sutton Coldfield Hypnotherapist ”Debbie Williams is a Skilled and Effective NLP Trainer and Hypnotherapist” Paul McKenna Sutton Coldfield hypnotherapist Debbie Williams regularly assists Paul McKenna in London on his NLP and hypnosis courses. Having known him since 1995, Paul has … Continue reading

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Fear of swallowing food

Fear of swallowing food A fear of swallowing food can happen after a choking episode or as in the video you can hear one of Birmingham therapist’s clients talk about how she had a throat infection. This caused difficulty to … Continue reading

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Binge Drinking Once A Week Help To Stop

  Binge Drinking Once A Week Has your drinking spun out of control over the festive period  Do you drink excessively having regular binges? Finding it hard to stop drinking once you have started? Birmingham hypnotherapist Debbie Williams helps with … Continue reading

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Help to stop telling lies

Help To Stop Telling Lies There is help available to stop you from telling lies. If you tell lies and want to stop we can help you. It’s a vicious cycle as when you tell them they build upon themselves. … Continue reading

Posted in Addictions, Birmingham Anger Management Treatment, Birmingham Life Coach, Panic/Anxiety/stress, sleep problems, Stop Lying | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment