Rehab for Cocaine Addiction

Rehab for Cocaine Addiction

Many go into rehab for cocaine addiction to overcome their habit to coke believing it is the only option available for them. There is an alternative which can be quicker, cheaper and many times more effective than rehab in Birmingham West Midlands.

Call 0121 241 0728 to find out more …or watch below videos from former coke addicts

Most rehabs for cocaine addiction have three main phases they go through to help get you of cocaine. This can take quite a long time and be expensive and not always effective.

Alternative to rehab for cocaine addiction

Luckily there is an alternative which helps with cravings and can virtually eliminate withdrawal symptoms as well as making it easier to stop and never go back to cocaine.

Birmingham based addictions expert Debbie Williams who is also a hypnotherapist and NLP trainer has developed a unique way to quickly get people of cocaine, releasing desires for it and ensuring you never want to go back to taking it.

Lets Compare Rehab to Cocaine Addictions Expert’s Way

Cocaine Rehab Treatment Version Phase One;

Doing a detox and going through unpleasant withdrawal symptoms of potentially an almost immediate “crash” followed by an overwhelming desire and cravings for more cocaine. Other symptoms can be anxiety, depression, extreme tiredness, nightmares and paranoia.

Birmingham NLP and Hypnotherapy Version Phase One;

Session for 2 hours at Birmingham clinic where you leave feeling on top of the world . You will come in with a measure of how much a problem coke is to you ( normally on a scale of 1-100 it’s in the 90′s or 100% ) we get it down to under 30 many times to 0. (Hear Kirk talking about that in the video below).

  • We build a belief at the unconscious level that you can succeed.
  • We install a mastermind group to help get that. ” craving voice’ out of your head before it can hurt you. ( Hear Nick talk about that in his video below ) 
  • This mastermind group is unique to you, many clients have people like Richard Branson and the dragons from dragons den and other benefits for clients are they get very entrepreneurial and start creating a compelling future for themselves.
  • We link the negative end result of what coke does overtime to the thought of it being good. This messes up the desire as we connect the dots of how it feels overtime to the desire of wanting some, this makes it harder for the urge to motivate you to want some as you are able to see, hear and feel the truth that it really isn’t doing it for you anymore. ( Hear Wayne talk about that in his video below )
  • We plant hypnotic suggestions that you will feel fantastic, many times no withdrawal symptoms at all. (Hear Nick saying how great he felt in his video below)
  • We teach you many strategies to deal with urges ( if they come)
  • We plan an easy simple way of adding more alkalising foods to your diet for the next month as coke is an acid addiction and the more we alkalise the less likely you will have any cravings .

Rehab For Cocaine Addiction Phase Two;

Aim to achieve physical and mental stabilisation after coke withdrawal. Their belief is that PAWS ( post acute withdrawal syndrome) like depression can last for months. Prescriptions for anti depressants and anxiety medication may be used.

Birmingham NLP And Hypnotherapy For Cocaine Phase Two;

This session is only one hour
70% clients have not had any cocaine and feel fantastic, no side effects apart from more energy and feeling like a black cloud has lifted and they can see a bright future.
They’ve listened to the self help hypnosis recording regularly and it helps them relax and reduce their stress.
25% clients have tried some coke on more time in between the session and 95% of those get so mad with themselves it fuels the desire to definitely want to stop. It gives them a wake up moment where they really feel the coke is not living up to the hype or the effects of when they first took it.
We reinforce the good work often repeating much of what we did in the first session and of they go for a month.

Cocaine Rehab Treatment Phase Three;

Psychological or psychiatric help to try to deal with past issues that may have driven you to abuse coke, working through incidents of trauma plus help to cope with any lingering withdrawal symptoms.
Psychotherapists may help you also help you identify and avoid triggers for use.
(you may still be taking cocaine by the way having relapsed)

Birmingham Cocaine Abuse Clinic Phase Three;

Session 30-60 minutes to lock in all the positive changes. We’ve already dealt with triggers in session one and two and you feel that coke is something you used to do.
Rather than going to the past to look for deep and hidden meanings for your coke abuse we’ve already made your conscious and unconscious mind see the movie of how it feels overtime so that you just don’t want it at all.

Three sessions are standard and work with approx 80% success rate 15% may need up to 5 or 6 sessions and for 5 % it doesn’t work at all ( usually the ones who are coming to please a partner or their work )

If you are serious about overcoming your cocaine addiction contact us now 0121 241 0728
See also here videos about what we do and below actual clients talking on video about their experience of the Birmingham clinic.

Kirk’s First Session At the Birmingham Addiction Centre

Half Way Through Treatment For Cocaine Abuse For Wayne

Another Client For Birmingham Clinic;  Nick

Birmingham Cocaine Addiction expert Talks About Cocaine Addiction

Call Now 0121 241 0728  or book online your session here

You can purchase a self help recording ‘‘Stop cocaine abuse’‘ by Birmingham addictions expert if you wanted that bit extra help to go it alone


Trained in NLP with many trainers including Dr Richard Bander's to become an assistant for Paul McKenna and Dr Richard Bandler on over 50 courses also helping Anthony Robbins for ten years until 2003 Most of my clients come directly from Paul McKenna and some from Dr Bandler as well as the Just Be Well clinic No 1 Harley Street London.
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2 Responses to Rehab for Cocaine Addiction

  1. I have been on crack since the age of 17 I’m now 36 ,married n happy apart from the need of the use of crack .ive had many hurdles in life to over come from a very young age .. I’m almost at breaking point with this addiction and will do anything to stop the cravings . I don’t want to be a slave to this drug any more it has took over my life far too long ,I have a unbelievable husband who supports me and will do anything to help me but only I can help myself .i really do need help I can’t do it on my own ….I’m not a waste of space or a bad person . I don’t expect to be fixed straight away I just need someone to take the time to help me isn’t know weather u r the right people but il give anything a try cause I know I’m better than this

    • Hi Victoria, You are better than this. We can help you but it is a partnership and working together we can give you tools to make it much easier than trying to stop abusing coke on your own.
      You can download our self help hypnosis for stopping cocaine abuse from only £19 The links are on the page or you can come for some one to one help. The link to booking a session page is there too. You will see over 25 video testimonials from clients we’ve helped. Nearly all clients don’t want to be on video, so it is a small representation of all the clients we have helped. There is even more info here too

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