PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD Post traumatic stress disorder

PTSD; Post traumatic stress disorder affects many people, we normally associate it with soldiers returning from war, yet it can affect anyone. People can suffer from it after a break up of a relationship or after an accident as well as the aftermath of being a victim of a crime.

Post traumatic stress disorder usually occurs much later

PTSD Post traumatic stress disorder usually occurs much later after the event and can result in flashbacks during the day as well as at night preventing the sufferer from getting a good nights sleep. This can go on for years and years and cause untold suffering.

PTSD; Birmingham NLP Trainer provides help here for free

PTSD Post traumatic stress disorder sometimes can be resolved relatively quickly by using NLP and good hypnotherapy.  Birmingham Hypnotherapist Debbie Williams has worked with many Army veterans to help resolve their stress and many times it can be a relatively simple procedure. Simple but powerful and effective too.

Why do I get PTSD ?

We have been given a brain but no owners manual and sometimes its not user friendly. It was bad enough having to go through the trauma the first time without having to watch the same movie over and over again. NLP is like discovering the owners manual. ( and the ‘off’ switch… Thank goodness).

PTSD Post traumatic stress disorder help with this video

Please watch the video as Debbie Williams explains how your mind is working against you and what you can do to change the ”internal movies” you are playing in your mind that wakes you up and gives you flashbacks. You can have a good nights sleep again and rid yourself of this post traumatic stress for good .

For the best outcome you will need to watch the video over and over to condition your mind to ‘think’ and ‘process’ information differently allowing normality to return to your life, also check out the links below for more help and some of my videos on this website if you suffer from ‘negative thoughts’.

PTSD Post traumatic stress disorder; even more free help

Please click on this link to get your free hypnosis self help download ”Stop worrying and create a wonderful life”

If you have served abroad in the Army and have suffered loss of limbs please get this recording its free and called Spontaneous remission from any disease in mind and body” it will help to heal by lifting stress from your mind and body.

Please also see Rosie’s 2nd video where she talks about her brother whom was involved in a horrific car crash and was in a coma for 55 days didn’t suffer any phantom limb pain despite losing limbs. Scroll to the bottom of this page to watch the 2nd video.

Debbie Williams is a Birmingham based hypnotherapist who trained and assisted Paul McKenna for many years. Her goal here is to use her knowledge to help people to help themselves, and if she can do a video on it she will. Debbie has a thriving hypnotherapy practice in the West Midlands as well as over 30 self help recordings from only £15.

PTSD Post traumatic stress disorder is something that can be overcome very quickly in many cases. please pass this link onto anyone you know who can benefit from it.


Trained in NLP with many trainers including Dr Richard Bander's to become an assistant for Paul McKenna and Dr Richard Bandler on over 50 courses also helping Anthony Robbins for ten years until 2003 Most of my clients come directly from Paul McKenna and some from Dr Bandler as well as the Just Be Well clinic No 1 Harley Street London.
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