Needle phobia: Do you avoid medical and dental care?

Overcome Needle Phobia

Needle phobia and fear of needles is a common phobia; did you know ”needle phobia” is a defined medical condition? It is a serious but often ignored condition that affects more than 10 percent of the population to an extent that it causes them to avoid needed medical care.  In some cases this can have fatal repercussions since some needle phobia suffers avoid all medical and dental care because of the condition.

How do you overcome a needle phobia?

I’m Debbie Williams, a Birmingham hypnotherapistand this is how I overcame my own needle phobia and have helped 100′s with their fear of needles by using NLP & hypnotherapy watch my story below.

Beating needle phobia

Beating needle phobia, can be that simple, a  phrase which if repeated over and over will not only make you smile but  distract you long enough for you to relax and have that injection quickly and easily. I have helped 100’s of people overcome needle phobia, by teaching  them the tools to use, to take down their needle fear dramatically.

How can I help you beat needle phobia?

Using NLP and Hypnotherapy in this way is becoming more and more  popular, my clients often come to me, having tried every other way out there first. There is nothing to fear this method has been around for a long time just think of me as the female Paul McKenna!

I’ve worked with Paul for many years including assisting on GMTV, helping out on over 50 NLP and Hypnosis Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Trainer Training courses. I also ran the Birmingham and Midlands NLP and Hypnosis Practice Group for many years. Therefore you can rest assured, knowing that your in good hands. For more information click the link below.

I must also mention that I have produced over 50 self help hypnosis recordings to help you with many issues. If you follow the link here you can get your free copy of my very popular recording: called ‘Stop worrying and create a wonderful life’



Trained in NLP with many trainers including Dr Richard Bander's to become an assistant for Paul McKenna and Dr Richard Bandler on over 50 courses also helping Anthony Robbins for ten years until 2003 Most of my clients come directly from Paul McKenna and some from Dr Bandler as well as the Just Be Well clinic No 1 Harley Street London.
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