Binge Eating Testimonial and Feedback

Binge Eating Testimonial and Feedback

Hi Debbie,
I wanted to start by saying “Thank you” It has only been since the beginning of  May and I already feel a sense of freedom from my binge eating disorder!
Your technique is very powerful  and am happy I am feeling results so soon!
I purchased the Stop Binge Eating recording as well as the Lean for Life  NLP and hypnosis.
I received 10 tracks on weight loss with a lean persons mindset and 5 for stopping binge eating!
I have been listening to both the stop binge eating hypnosis trance and learning to be lean hypnosis trance in the morning and at night, also I have made time to listen to all the other mini tracks of strategies!
 I was wondering if there is any specific order, and if doing both tracks one after another is fine!

Binge Eating Disorders Expert Replies;

Thank you so much for your feedback, its always great to hear.
You can listen to the stop binge eating and lean for life recordings in any order that feels right for you.
The more the you can listen the quicker you master better ways to be around food and be free from binge eating.
The lean for life is like the bible for mastering strategies of lean, healthy happy people.
Think long term as if you are studying for a diploma on lean, healthy strategies and keep going.
If there comes a point that you are predicting what I’m going to say next ( or you are getting bored of the ones you have) then get some others of mine and listen for a month or so and come back to your original ones.
I have many around weight loss, overeating as well as the binge eating ones, I also have this;

Free Stop Binge Eating Trance

Click ”Stop Binge Eating” and watch my short hypnosis video to help you to stop binge eating. Its only 10 minutes.

There is so much more help available on my special offer below;

Stop Binge Eating Special Offer

There is a special offer on at the moment which has way more resources than you may need to overcome binge eating and its a great insurance policy to have so to speak as a back up for when ”you need it”
Kind regards



Trained in NLP with many trainers including Dr Richard Bander's to become an assistant for Paul McKenna and Dr Richard Bandler on over 50 courses also helping Anthony Robbins for ten years until 2003 Most of my clients come directly from Paul McKenna and some from Dr Bandler as well as the Just Be Well clinic No 1 Harley Street London.
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