Birmingham Help For Blushing
Blushing is one of the most common problems I help people with at the Birmingham NLP & Hypnosis Practice.
Almost invariably, anxiety about going red is one of the major factors that sustains and causes the blushing response, thereby producing a ‘loop’ within the neurology that goes anxiety = blushing = anxiety = blushing etc etc.
Blushing is an unconscious process
The unconscious mind patterns behaviours, making them ‘automated’ so, strategically, I take two approaches to help for blushing problems.
The first is to consciously show you how to retrain your thinking to get out of the blushing ‘loop’, and to stop planning for it to happen.
The second is to use hypnosis (relaxation), to recondition the behaviour at a deeper level.
We hypnotise ourselves to go red!
Many times we give ourselves post hypnotic suggestions ‘’I hope I don’t go red and blush in the meeting on Monday’’
(As the brain has difficulty processing negation try not to think of a polka dotted kangaroo. Have you not thought of it yet?)
The mind focuses more on what you don’t want thereby creating self fulfilling prophecies of blushing red, with all the uncomfortable feelings that accompany it.
I charge £149 for a single session which gives me the opportunity to hear your details and to explain how NLP and Hypnosis can help to change the blushing response.
Learning to stop blushing
I will teach you a much better strategy with the aim of making self-confidence more and more the automated response.
Typically, I see people between 2 & 3 times with for this, and working together the success in reducing the blushing response rate is high along with neutralizing the emotional response.
Birmingham NLP & hypnosis stop blushing offer
I do have an offer on that if you purchase £149 worth of my downloads/CD’s ( in one purchase) you can get your session for free.
I have titles like ‘’Stop Blushing’’, “Overcome Anxiety’’, “Stop Panic’’ and ”Stop Stress”, “Ultimate Confidence”, “Interview Nerves” as well as ‘’Overcome the fear of public speaking’’ and other titles available from my personal website;
Videos with tips to stop blushing
Client hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and I am based in Sutton Coldfield B75 6EA
To book a session either go online and download the recordings and put a note in the order.
Or for further information on how we can help you to stop blushing call me on 0121 241 0728, please leave a message if I am with a client and I will get back to you, or reply by email to
Kindest Regards